Happy Sunny Wedding Supplier Wednesday!
We have a lovely one for you today, the very helpful Laura from
Little White Book Wedding & Event Management, based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire who specialize in Wedding Design and Management.

Laura grew up in the wedding industry, and here is her story. My mum is a seamstress and our house was always full of big sparkly wedding gowns. Which was amazing for a girl wanting to grow to be a princess!!! Eventually I got a job working as a event planner, I was quickly promoted and started working on the weddings. It was then I knew I had found my niche, five years later I left my job, Little White book was born I haven't looked back since.

I have been trading now for around 18 months and they have been the hardest yet most rewarding 18 months of my life. i have been so lucky to feature in so many amazing wedding magazines, both in the UK and abroad.

I like to think that my experience of the wedding industry sets me apart from my competition. I've planned hundreds of weddings and events and each one has been unique and special!!!

I LOVE working in the industry, every day brings something new, whether that’s a new bride, event or just general musing of other professionals sharing their ideas!!

Little White Book have a lovely
BLOG and
FACEBOOK fan page and can be contacted on
TWITTER THANK YOU SO MUCH Laura for allowing us to feature your gorgeous company – we wish you continued success!
Remember, if we can help you with anything sparkly please get in touch. We can also be found on
TWITTERHave a lovely day.
Just love your blog!!