Hope you all had a wonderful weekend? wasnt the weather beautiful?
Lots to report today. Had some amazing reviews this weekend about the gorgeous 'HOLLY' Coin necklace, one lady said she literally got stopped in the street 10 times from people asking where it was from! REMEMBER - these are strictly LIMITED EDITION - its first come first served, so get in quick!
Had a few orders for the beautiful Finger Print Bean Pendant so getting on with those today. These are such a beautiful idea - simply get an ink fingerprint of your loved one (newborn babies being the most popular at the moment) and we get them hand engraved by an expert in the field onto a solid silver bean pendant. Unique to the owner and such a personal gift.
ALSO - took two Wedding Ring orders and one Engagement ring order last week, so they will be finished at some point this week. We pride ourselves on the quick turnaround and personal service we offer!
Finally, today we have to CASH SOME GOLD parcels we received in this post this weekend. Yes thats right, not only do we hold GOLD parties but we also cash bits that arrive in the post - so no matter where you live i can still get you THE BEST PRICE AROUND as i deal direct with the London Gold Bourse. Why pay for countless middle men when you can send stuff to me? I ring/email you with the quote, if you are happy to go ahead you will have the cash IN YOUR ACCOUNT that afternoon. You couldnt ask for a better service.
If i can help you with anything please get in touch, my mobile is 07904123297.
Find us on Facebook on: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/London/Jon-Keith-Diamonds/262092198569?ref=ts
and on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JonKeithDiamond.
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