The wonderful and very talented Annabel from Love My Dress featured one of our Weddings recently, and thought it would be a nice idea to write a piece about being a Diamond Merchant. I was of course only too happy to help! Below is our piece, we hope you like it!


the Love My Dress blog is a MUST READ for any fashionable brides out there and we highly recommend you add it to your 'fav' list! Thanks for a great piece Annabel and we look forward to working with you again in the future!
On another note, today is Wednesday, which of course means Creation Collaboration Day! this really is a great idea, so have a read and get following people!

And FINALLY, we would like to give you a heads up about our next CASH FOR GOLD party, next Thursday 27th May with Sam from Tea Party in Finchley, which is a gorgeous vintage private Tearoom. We are VERY excited about this and would love for as many of you to come as possible. Please RSVP so we know how many CupCakes to order! and yes, you heard right - CUPCAKES! what more could you want?!? Hope to see you there!

Soooooo we hope to see you there! If I can help you with anything please get in touch, my number is 07904123297.
Have a nice week!
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